Catching Up

I was asked my one of my two advisors, Prof Dozier from USC to explore a possible blog to keep my thought and exploration on track. So here I am…blogging about my work (lol) As my first entry I want to cover a few items. Starting off with what got me to this point, the

Who is this guy?

Its been a while since I felt like I actually contributed to the dev community. Last night I came to this old site and wondered who this guy was. He had neat things to say. Now? I spend my time coding, putting things together and generally trying to get things done. Do I succeed at

Nodejs – First thoughts

My first thoughts on Node as a *real* beginner. First Take. I picked up Nodej about 3 years ago when the name sounded cool in the halls of Yahoo. I didnt think much of it and just thought it was the next buzz word. From a PHP developer’s stand point and mostly the standpoint of

Person Rant – Update on life.

Update. Family I’m dating my High School best friend. After hanging out for a while we decided, hey why not? And well, though it’s still early in the relationship I feel this is a great match. We’re also purchasing a home and hopefully it will close sometime soon, hopefully before years end but I’m not

Eh..not really. Take 2

Be it the yelling outside that woke me or just a feeling. I’m awake. At 3am. :-|. I dislike living in downtown, duh moment right? As you can tell this is going to be yet another freewrite. Moving on… I decided to FINALLY finish my Masters. Yes everyone, school is back at my top priority

Eh…no sir, not really.

Be it the yelling outside that woke me or just a feeling. I’m awake. At 3am. :-|. I dislike living in downtown, duh moment right? As you can tell this is going to be yet another freewrite. Coming up in my career I had different experiences. Once of which was knowing when to leave a

A long time coming…

I guess I just need to start. This is going to be a free write and wont be about anything technical or anything specific at all. You’ve been warned 🙂 I’m not sure what you think about when you run but when I run I look down a lot. The majority of the times I

Forging a new path

I headed off to Seattle the previous weekend and had some time to think about where my life was heading, what factors lead me to this point, and the different points of views about a variety of subjects. I would like to think of myself as a natural thinker. I think and reason my problems